As a business owner, I would like to create a unique referral code for past clients so that I can give these referrals a financial kickback for sending clients to my business.
Customers of Maroo would like to see a new feature that allows them to create and track a referral program within their payment processor. The goal of this feature is to extend the word-of-mouth referral.
Technical Details:
When processing a payment, if a unique code "DAVIS20" is included in the promo code section, the client associated with the code should be sent a kickback, such as "1% of sale," etc.
  1. Potential Dashboard Features:
- Referral tracking: status of payouts, number of customers referred.
- Unique link with a contact form for inquiring.
  1. Dashboard for Promo Code Creation:
- Creating promo codes for clients/contacts.
Acceptance Criteria:
  1. Promo Code Creation:
- Given: I am a Maroo customer with a premium account.
- When: I onboard a new client.
- Then: I want to be able to create a unique promo code for them for referrals.
  1. Referral Tracking:
- Given: I am a Maroo customer with a premium account.
- When: I create a unique promo code for referrals.
- Then: I want to be able to track the number of times it has been shared via a unique contact form just for that client.
  1. Referral Inquiry Handling:
- Given: I create a unique promo code for referrals.
- When: A referred customer fills out and submits the contact form from the unique URL.
- Then: I should receive an email with the inquiry and be able to see the status of the referral in my dashboard.
  1. Quarterly Payment Processing:
- Given: I am a Maroo customer with a premium account.
- When: Referrals are sent to my business.
- Then: Every quarter, the referrals will be paid a $X.XX amount based on how many referrals they sent to my business.
Example Flow:
  1. Client Onboarding and Promo Code Creation:
- As a business owner with a premium Maroo account, I onboard a new client.
- I create a unique promo code, e.g., "DAVIS20," and associate it with this client.
  1. Referral Usage and Tracking:
- The client shares the promo code "DAVIS20" with potential referrals.
- When a referred customer uses "DAVIS20" during payment, a kickback, such as "1% of sale," is automatically calculated and recorded.
  1. Referral Form Submission:
- The referred customer fills out a contact form via a unique URL linked to "DAVIS20."
- Upon submission, an email is sent to the business owner with the details of the inquiry.
- The business owner can track the referral status and view the details on the dashboard.
  1. Quarterly Payment Processing:
- At the end of each quarter, the dashboard calculates the total amount owed to each referrer based on the number of successful referrals.
- Payments are processed, and the referrers are paid the agreed-upon amount for their referrals.
Dashboard Mockup:
  • Referral Tracking:
- Status of payouts.
- Number of customers referred.
- Detailed list of referrals and their statuses.
  • Promo Code Creation:
- Form to create and manage unique promo codes.
- Option to set kickback percentages or amounts.
  • Inquiry Management:
- List of inquiries submitted via unique URLs.
- Details of each inquiry with referral status updates.
  • Quarterly Payment Processing:
- Section showing the total amount owed to each referrer for the quarter.
- Option to process payments directly from the dashboard.
This feature aims to enhance Maroo's payment processor by integrating a comprehensive referral program, ultimately driving more word-of-mouth referrals and rewarding clients for their loyalty.